Logitech G relaunched its iconic MX518 gaming mouse and continues to improve its performance. Logitech G said that the new MX518 retains the same shape and feel as the original, and uses the latest next-generation technology, including HERO 16K sensors and 32-bit ARM processors, as well as ultra-fast 1-millisecond reporting rates.
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The new MX518 also has 8 programmable buttons so users can bind custom commands. With onboard memory, users can also save preferences directly to the mouse so users can use it on different systems without having to install custom software or reconfigure settings.
As one of the most popular gaming mice of all time, the MX518 has inspired many fans around the world to request the Logitech Group to re-launch this product. In addition to the classic, comfortable shape, the new MX518 uses modern components to meet today's advanced standards and has a new Nightfall color scheme. Consumers can book the new MX518 on the Logitech US official website for $59.99, which is perfectly reasonable for such gaming mice.