Earlier this month, Apple presented the iPhone X, iPhone and iPhone 8 Plus 8 at the conference in the theater of Steve Jobs. Like the iPhone 7 iPhone 7 Plus, three new models dust- and waterproof.
iPhone and iPhone 8 8 Plus protected degree IP67 standard IEC 60529. But it really means?
Protection IP67 to the iPhone 8 stands for "ingress protection." The number "67" means that the new models are fully protected against dust and can operate up to 30 minutes underwater at a depth of 1.5m. The number "6" - the degree of protection against dust, and "7" - protection from water. iPhone 8 iPhone 8 Plus and protected from water, but they are not waterproof. As with last year's iPhone 7, it is not the highest level of protection on your smartphone. Almost all the leaders of Android are protected by the degree of IP68. For example, Galaxy S8, Galaxy Note 8 and LG V30.
It should be noted that the IP certification does not protect the device from all kinds of liquids. Carbonated water can easily penetrate into the unit and damage it. The same applies to the marine/salt water. Do not swim with your iPhone 8 or the iPhone X in the sea. If you still drop the phone in the sea water, quickly remove it. Even if it works properly, rinse with plain water and phone dry thoroughly. Do the same if spilled on your iPhone any drink.
The iPhone X and iPhone 8 received protection IP67 by insulation parts rubber gaskets. Over time, this protection wears, but the changes do not need to be highly visible. Most importantly, if you drop your phone, and his body is somehow damaged, the IP protection can be broken.
Despite the fact that the phones advertised as waterproof, Apple does not give any guarantee on the repair of damage from liquids. It was the same with last year's models. You can try your luck if you still damage your new iPhone, but it is always better to be cautious.
iPhone and iPhone 8 8 Plus protected degree IP67 standard IEC 60529. But it really means?
The value of the degree of protection IP67
Protection IP67 to the iPhone 8 stands for "ingress protection." The number "67" means that the new models are fully protected against dust and can operate up to 30 minutes underwater at a depth of 1.5m. The number "6" - the degree of protection against dust, and "7" - protection from water. iPhone 8 iPhone 8 Plus and protected from water, but they are not waterproof. As with last year's iPhone 7, it is not the highest level of protection on your smartphone. Almost all the leaders of Android are protected by the degree of IP68. For example, Galaxy S8, Galaxy Note 8 and LG V30.
It should be noted that the IP certification does not protect the device from all kinds of liquids. Carbonated water can easily penetrate into the unit and damage it. The same applies to the marine/salt water. Do not swim with your iPhone 8 or the iPhone X in the sea. If you still drop the phone in the sea water, quickly remove it. Even if it works properly, rinse with plain water and phone dry thoroughly. Do the same if spilled on your iPhone any drink.
The iPhone X and iPhone 8 received protection IP67 by insulation parts rubber gaskets. Over time, this protection wears, but the changes do not need to be highly visible. Most importantly, if you drop your phone, and his body is somehow damaged, the IP protection can be broken.
The lack of guarantees
Despite the fact that the phones advertised as waterproof, Apple does not give any guarantee on the repair of damage from liquids. It was the same with last year's models. You can try your luck if you still damage your new iPhone, but it is always better to be cautious.