"Save in love, raise happiness", this is the slogan of the Love Bank App. However, in addition to romance, there are also 365 days to send thousands of dollars to the head, many couples are running to witness love, but The color head is also looking forward to it. Such a gimmick, so that the popularity of this app has soared, last September, Love Bank once ranked first in the iOS social free software list.

However, it is such a star software, but now it is hung on the black list of the complaint website , ranking fourth, the first place is ofo small yellow car.
The reporter's investigation found that most of the users who complained expressed the same appeal: the sign-in that was completed by clicking the button can now be completed by pressing the screen for the longest time of 1314 seconds. If it is insufficient or exceeded, it will be considered as a sign-in failure. Why is the Love Bank App suddenly "playing tricks" at the end of the year when the event is about to expire?
Continuous sign-on will change the sign-in condition of one year to "fancy unlock" or even be signed

"Login the Love Bank App for 365 days in a row, you can get 1,000 yuan in cash." This is the description of the signing event by Liu Yan, Chairman of Love Bank App. In the software, both lovers can record the love and interaction, Xiaoha (a pseudonym) on Weibo claims to be the first user of the software: "On February 27, 2018, I contacted this name. For the software of Love Bank, a lot of software such as vibrato, Weibo, etc., I should be able to count the first batch of users, with a dubious mentality, I started signing."
The initial sign-in is very simple. Both couples will display a virtual fingerprint according to their respective mobile phone screens. When the fingerprints coincide, a kiss animation will appear, and the check-in will succeed.
However, after an update in January this year, Xiaoha, who has signed up for more than 300 days, found the problem. "When you open the software of Love Bank, it will prompt you to wait for 520 seconds when you sign in the interface. Yesterday I was staring. After a few seconds, the number of 520 seconds was successful. But today we tried many times and failed, so I want to find a customer service to deal with this problem, but when I open the customer service page, it shows that it has been put on annual leave."
Xiaoha searched through social media and found that many small partners have this situation and no one is dealing with it. "And after reading the information of many small partners, some of them need 10 consecutive seconds, some are continuous 60 seconds, some It takes 520 seconds for me, even some people need 1314 seconds, what is the concept of 1314 seconds? 21 minutes and 54 seconds."
According to the demo video , the screen of the mobile phone does not show the time of sign-in, and it needs to be timed separately. There are users who vomit for signing or even tossing for a night. The couple also has contradictions. Compared with the sign-in time, Zhang from Zhengzhou is simply being directly named and unable to log in: "I think they have requirements that are more demanding, for example, how many seconds are required for two people at the same time, one second and one second shorter. No. But my problem is that the account is inexplicably logged out and banned. If you go to Weibo search, you will find that this is the case."
Some users also reported that in January of this year, the Love Bank App sign-in mechanism failed, only the WeChat applet could be used, causing some people to fail to sign up, unable to receive rewards, and did not get a valid answer after consulting customer service. If you want to replenish your visa, you need to recharge the annual membership. The price is 218 yuan, and the system will give you a membership replacement card. However, the user reports that the so-called replacement card is only valid for the missed sign after recharging, that is to say, after replenishing the member after re-signing, the member cannot be re-signed
App operator keeps silent lawyer: untrustworthy behavior, users can seek mediation
According to media reports, the software accumulated 1.5 million active users in September last year, equivalent to more than 700,000 pairs of couples. If these couples complete the sign-in, operators need to pay more than 700 million yuan, and the love bank is obviously going to pay. After hard work and signing for more than 300 days, how can the rights of users who are deceived to protect their rights?
Unable to sign in, the signing time suddenly became longer, and the name was inexplicably blocked... The reporter asked the customer service with the above questions, but he did not get a reply. And the software development business Shanghai Network Technology Co., chat, the reporter made several phone calls were not also get a response. In the official Weibo and WeChat of the Love Bank App, there are no announcements and notices. Weibo even set up an inability to comment. From customer service to operation to development, the Love Bank App seems to be a “sleeping person”. In the video, the words of Tu Hongchuan, the investor of the Love Bank App, became:
"If you and the other half can persist for 365 days, compared with your true love, this 1000 is nothing at all, of course, for you."
For the behavior of the Love Bank App, such as the temporary change of sign-in conditions, Li Bin, a lawyer of Beijing Zhongwen Law Firm, told the Voice of China reporter that it is illegal to act as an act of dishonesty, but this kind of dishonesty The behavior is bound to affect the corporate brand, losing users and the market: "These couples download the App and participate in the event itself is free of charge, no need to pay, in fact, this involves a problem, that is, if the App operator Say, you only need to pay 1000 yuan for me to sign in consecutively within one year. This is actually a kind of gift. This kind of unilateral change is maliciously obstructing your sign-in success, so that you can't satisfy the 1000-dollar gift. The condition of the condition, so in this sense it is not honest."
So in this case, the user can only admit that it is unlucky? In the face of the reality that rights protection costs and benefits are not proportional, Li Bin said that seeking third-party agencies to mediate cost-effective: "There are five ways to defend rights, reconciliation, complaints, requests for mediation, administrative agencies, and litigation. If there is an arbitration agreement, it is necessary to apply for arbitration. However, in this case, we may seek mediation from a third party agency, which is relatively low cost and may play a role."
Original title: Love Bank App signed a year to reward a thousand difficult to cash, how can I still believe in "love"