On the eve of the World Mobile Congress, MWC Qualcomm Company announced Snapdragon X24, its latest LTE-modem for smartphones, promising to reach unprecedented download speeds up to 2 Gb / s.
The company claims that the X24 is the first 20 LTE modem that can support such speeds, and at the same time it's the first chip on the 7 nm process technology. At maximum speed, it is 2 times faster than the previous gigabit modem manufacturer. Although in reality such speeds are unlikely to be achieved (which is a problem on the part of operators), the development of the technology of devices should still cause the general development of the speed of the Internet.
The Snapdragon X24 supports up to seven carriers (and this bypasses Samsung's latest Exynos chips with aggregation support of up to 6 carrier frequencies) and MIMO 4 × 4 for five combined carriers, theoretically allowing up to 20 parallel streams. According to Qualcomm, devices with the X24 chipset will be able to connect to the entire frequency range, which will seriously increase overall performance. (Again, we are still far from supporting the new technology from the operators - even the most advanced networks in the US currently support only up to three carriers).
It seems that the X24 chip is designed to pave the way for Internet technology 5G, pushing the 4G forward as much as possible. This is a logical step from Qualcomm because in the first period of 5G networks their coverage will be somewhat limited. This is especially true for millimeter-wave networks, which are likely to exist only in areas with excellent 5G coverage. The higher speeds of the Internet 4G can make a slow transition to 5G quite painless for users to question.
It is assumed that the devices with the Snapdragon X24 chip will be visible at the end of 2018 and the modem will work in tandem with the Snapdragon X50 5G NR chipset on 4G / 5G devices. 5G-networks, in turn, should appear already in 2019.