iOS only 11 will be released publicly on September 19, but now began to appear upgrade applications that support the new system function. So far, the number of used functions included augmented reality and Drag and Drop.

September 12 after Apple released the conference for iOS developers 11, watchOS 4, tvOS 11 and macOS High Sierra, so that they had time to prepare to update their applications.

One of the main functions of iOS 11 - Augmented reality ARKit, and in the future more and more applications will use. Some, of course, are more useful than others. And some applications will add little minor features to simply test the technology.

At the moment, Drag and Drop feature added to the app Bear, support for augmented reality in Carrot to Weather, and the application One Drop Now visualize data about your activity.


The Lite PCCalc added an interactive mode, which looks more like a demo technology demonstration than a useful feature. You can throw icons PCCalc bananas throughout the room. In addition, you can add lighting, adjust the form and view model objects.

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Carrot Weather also uses augmented reality. Now you can view the application in 3D, change modes, be running across the screen left and right, etc. If you note in the "eye" on the screen, he starts yelling at you, and if you podnesote phone too close, he will ask to respect his private space. The perfect application with the weather, certainly, was even better.

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The following are the applications updated for iOS 11.